1. The tyre dismounting lubricant is used to detect the dynamic balance of the tyre, which is applied to the tyre mouth in advance for lubrication, so as to facilitate the installation of the rim. This product does not contain organic silicon lubricating substances, and the lubrication effect disappears after drying, which prevents the rim from running off due to the poor adhesion between the tyre and the rim due to the long-term existence of organic silicon lubricating substances in the subsequent use of the tyre.
2. The tyre disassembly lubricant is a transparent and uniform liquid, which is colorless and transparent after being used on the tyre. There will be no error in the test data caused by the use of other lubricants.
3. After mixing the tyre dismantling lubricant with water, there is little foam, which is easy to operate and does not affect the test data.
Application field:
Tire production, testing and subsequent use.
1. Tire dynamic balance lubricant THP-666 can be mixed with 2-5 times of water for uniform use according to the situation.
2. Tire dynamic balance lubricant THP-666 can be applied manually. It is recommended to apply it evenly with sea surface, clean cloth or brush.
3. The rim shall be installed before the lubricating fluid is dry.
Composition: macromolecule lotion, surfactant and chelating agent.
Appearance: colorless - light yellow translucent liquid.
Specific gravity: 1.00 ± 0.1 g/cm3